Bill Singer, a young boy, bestowed with a mysterious gift, attempts to escape from his past—a past marred with tragedy, murder, abuse and family ignominies. In his quest to erase the memory of his pain and the people who inflicted it, his self-confidence and courage will be shaken. This young boy’s story is diverse, interlaced with foreboding and bliss, and it will take him from the horrific clutches of abuse to the dazzling spotlights of the celebrity world. Enter IL MONDO and unfold a story of survival and the human spirit as it attempts to prevail through a test of fire.
A Note From The Author:
Chapter 11 of IL MONDO: ONE MAN’S WORLD encompasses the adoption of a Thai boy named Prasong by Bill Singer. A victim of love, at the blossoming age of 21, Prasong took his own life. More importantly, because of this riveting story, which ended tragically, and because it will make Bill and Prasong happy, I am donating most of the proceeds of the book to Thai orphanages. There are hundreds of kids that need help and as such, if you wish to make a donation to this cause, please join me by clicking on the “Donate” button and pledge your heart to these kids. Any amount–even ONE (1$) dollar–would be greatly appreciated and remembered by the children.
Thank you for your support!
Tony Bond, Author